107 research outputs found

    Phoneme Recognition Using Acoustic Events

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    This paper presents a new approach to phoneme recognition using nonsequential sub--phoneme units. These units are called acoustic events and are phonologically meaningful as well as recognizable from speech signals. Acoustic events form a phonologically incomplete representation as compared to distinctive features. This problem may partly be overcome by incorporating phonological constraints. Currently, 24 binary events describing manner and place of articulation, vowel quality and voicing are used to recognize all German phonemes. Phoneme recognition in this paradigm consists of two steps: After the acoustic events have been determined from the speech signal, a phonological parser is used to generate syllable and phoneme hypotheses from the event lattice. Results obtained on a speaker--dependent corpus are presented.Comment: 4 pages, to appear at ICSLP'94, PostScript version (compressed and uuencoded

    Lattice score based data cleaning for phrase-based statistical machine translation

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    Statistical machine translation relies heavily on parallel corpora to train its models for translation tasks. While more and more bilingual corpora are readily available, the quality of the sentence pairs should be taken into consideration. This paper presents a novel lattice score-based data cleaning method to select proper sentence pairs from the ones extracted from a bilingual corpus by the sentence alignment methods. The proposed method is carried out as follows: firstly, an initial phrasebased model is trained on the full sentencealigned corpus; then for each of the sentence pairs in the corpus, word alignments are used to create anchor pairs and sourceside lattices; thirdly, based on the translation model, target-side phrase networks are expanded on the lattices and Viterbi searching is used to find approximated decoding results; finally, BLEU score thresholds are used to filter out the low-score sentence pairs for the data cleaning purpose. Our experiments on the FBIS corpus showed improvements of BLEU score from 23.78 to 24.02 in Chinese-English

    Diagnostic evaluation in linguistic word recognition

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    This report is concerned with a new method of evaluation for the Linguistic Word Recognition component of the Verbmobil-Project: Architektur. A two stage model of diagnostic evaluation is presented consisting of logical and empirical evaluation steps. Logical evaluation is carried out according to a data model which acts as optimal input in order that each component participating in the evaluation process can be tested for soundness and completeness. Inconsistencies can thus be remedied before empirical evaluation of the model is undertaken using real data. The diagnostic evaluation method has been operationalised within the Bielefeld Extended Evaluation Toolkit for Lattices of Events (BEETLE)

    Parametrised phonological event parsing

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    This paper describes a phonological event parser for spoken language recognition which has been provided with a parametrisable development environment for examining the extent to which linguistically significant issues such as linguistic competence (structural constraints) and linguistic performance (robustness) can play a role in the spoken language recognition task.Ein phonologischer Ereignisparser zur Erkennung gesprochener Sprache wird zusammen mit einer parametrisierbaren Entwicklungsumgebung vorgestellt. Diese Umgebung dient nicht nur der Entwicklung und Konsistenz- und Vollständigkeitsprüfung des zugrundeliegenden computerphonologischen Modells, sondern ermöglicht auch eine gezielte Evaluierung ausgewählter linguistisch motivierter constraints zur robusten Erkennung gesprochener Sprache

    Using same-language machine translation to create alternative target sequences for text-to-speech synthesis

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    Modern speech synthesis systems attempt to produce speech utterances from an open domain of words. In some situations, the synthesiser will not have the appropriate units to pronounce some words or phrases accurately but it still must attempt to pronounce them. This paper presents a hybrid machine translation and unit selection speech synthesis system. The machine translation system was trained with English as the source and target language. Rather than the synthesiser only saying the input text as would happen in conventional synthesis systems, the synthesiser may say an alternative utterance with the same meaning. This method allows the synthesiser to overcome the problem of insufficient units in runtime


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    Kereta api merupakan salah satu jenis transportasi massal yang diminati oleh masyarakat. Jaringan rel antar kota, terutama di Pulau Jawa sangat mendukung keberadaan kereta api sebagai salah satu moda transportasi yang efektif dan efisien. Kecelakaan lalulintas pada perlintasan rel kereta api sering terjadi akhir-akhir ini. Penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan tersebut umumnya karena tidak adanya pintu perlintasan, atau kegagalan pintu menutup saat dibutuhkan atau kegagalan operator untuk memerintahkan penutupan ( human error). Sistem otomasi kendali pintu perlintasan merupakan solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Pintu perlintasan Kereta Api yang dapat membuka dan menutup dengan kontrol/ monitoring dari stasiun merupakan metode termurah dan handal dapat meningkatkan jaminan keselamatan dan keamanan para pengguna jalan. Oleh karena itu, rancang bangun suatu sistem otomasi pintu perlintasan Kereta Api menjadi sangat signifikan. Pada rancang bangun sistem otomasi kendali ini digunakan mikrokontroler ATmega8535 sebagai komponen pengontrol utama. Telepon dan Dekoder DTMF sebagai pendeteksi kedatangan kereta api dan sensor optocopler sebagai pendeteksi kereta telah lewat. Untuk membuka dan menutup pintu digunakan Motor DC Servo sesuai dengan perintah mikrokontroler. Rangkaian sistem otomasi pintu lintasan rel kereta api ini secara umum dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu hardware dan software. Hardware merupakan sistem perangkat keras yang meliputi sistem kontrol berupa Mikrokontroller, motor, speaker, lampu sirine dan sensor, sedangkan software berupa program yang menggunakan pemrograman bahasa BASIC. Dalam pengerjaannya bagi tiga tahap yaitu tahapan perancangan , pembuatan dan uji coba alat. Uji coba alat dibagi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu uji coba per bagian (part) dan uji coba secara keseluruhan. Hasil dari rancang bangun ini diperoleh suatu alat kendali pintu perlintasan KA dengan menggunakan Sinyal telepon dari stasiun untuk mendeteksi kedatangan kereta, mikrokontroler ATmega8535 sebagai pemroses input, dan DC motor servo sebagai penggerak pintu untuk membuka dan menutup. Dengan adanya alat ini diharapkan dapat meminimalisasikan kecelakaan yang terjadi pada perlintasan rel kereta api, sehingga dapat meningkatkan jaminan keselamatan dan keamanan bagi para penumpang kereta api maupun para pengguna jalan

    A Multilingual Phonological Resource Toolkit for Ubiquitous Speech Technology

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    This paper outlines the generation process of a specifi computational linguistic representation termed the Multilingual Time Map, conceptually a multi-tape finit state transducer encoding linguistic data at different levels of granularity. The fi st component acquires phonological data from syllable labeled speech data, the second component define feature profiles the third component generates feature hierarchies and augments the acquired data with the define feature profiles and the fourth component displays the Multilingual Time Map as a graph

    Использование метода аналогии при преподавании электротехнических дисциплин

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    This paper describes a demonstration of the WinkTalk system, which is a speech synthe- sis platform using expressive synthetic voices. With the help of a webcamera and facial ex- pression analysis, the system allows the user to control the expressive features of the syn- thetic speech for a particular utterance with their facial expressions. Based on a person- alised mapping between three expressive syn- thetic voices and the users facial expressions, the system selects a voice that matches their face at the moment of sending a message. The WinkTalk system is an early research pro- totype that aims to demonstrate that facial expressions can be used as a more intuitive control over expressive speech synthesis than manual selection of voice types, thereby con- tributing to an improved communication expe- rience for users of speech generating devices. QC 20160422</p